How to send an email
Email Center
The email center is a very important tool in the Brick River system. Once you login to the Brick River system, on the top menu, click Email. In the email center window, you can create a new email, view your draft emails, and analyze the sent email statistics.
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create a new email.
Step 1- Create a New Email
- Once you login to the email center, click Create a new email. The email editor window is opened.
- In the Default Template drop-down, choose the required template.
- In the Subject field, enter the subject of the email.
- Click on the Summary tab to add a summary of the email.
- The From Name field is auto-populated by the company name. You can change it if required.
- In the From email and To email field, enter the From and To email address as required.
- Choose the required Formatting options such as Bold, Italic, Alignment, Underline, Numbering, Bullets, and Indents etc. for your email.
- Click on the Mail Merge, Source, and Snippets to add advanced functionalities to your email.
- To Add recipients, click the drop-down From a list to choose your contacts list from your previously created contact manager or click By Hand to enter the recipients manually.
- Click View/Exclude 3 emails to view your recipient's list. Click Included to not send the email to that specific contact on the list. This allows to unsubscribe people from certain email blasts.
- Click Preview to review the email and make any changes, if necessary.
- Click Test to send a test email.
- After you finish composing your message, click the clock icon to schedule the email at a later Time and Date or click Send to send it immediately.