How to Override the Clergy Directory in the People Portal

We have a default filter for who shows in your clergy directory, but you can put in your own custom filter if you like. Here is the default filter:

        <Or>    <And>       <Or>          <And>             <IsNull Not="true" FieldId="Appointments.Church.Id" />             <Or>                <IsNull FieldId="Appointments.AppointmentPosition.Id" />                <Ne FieldId="Appointments.AppointmentPosition.Id" Value="17430" />             </Or>          </And>          <IsNull Not="true" FieldId="Appointments.District.Id" />          <IsNull Not="true" FieldId="Appointments.ExtensionMinistry" />          <IsNull Not="true" FieldId="Appointments.ExtensionMinistryList.Id" />       </Or>       <Or>          <IsNull FieldId="Appointments.ExtensionMinistryPositions.Id" />          <InList FieldId="Appointments.ExtensionMinistryPositions.Id">             <Match Value="13348" />             <Match Value="13350" />             <Match Value="13346" />             <Match Value="13317" />             <Match Value="21547" />             <Match Value="13347" />             <Match Value="13353" />             <Match Value="13352" />             <Match Value="13354" />             <Match Value="20270" />             <Match Value="20269" />             <Match Value="20272" />             <Match Value="13349" />             <Match Value="13351" />          </InList>       </Or>       <Or>          <IsNull FieldId="Appointments.StartDate" />          <Lt FieldId="Appointments.StartDate" When="now" />       </Or>       <Or>          <IsNull FieldId="Appointments.EndDate" />          <Gt FieldId="Appointments.EndDate" When="now" />       </Or>    </And>    <Eq FieldId="ClergyOrLay.Id" Value="4886" /> </Or>