Creates a calendar with links to events.
@BRT.Calendar() generates a responsive calendar with links to Event content. It requires a calendar detail page with the @BRT.CalendarDetail() Helper to render the event pages linked to the calendar.
For example if a site uses the Page: 'eventcalendar' to display the calendar and the Page: 'eventdetail' to display events when links on the calendar are clicked.
The 'eventcalendar' Page would user the Helper: @BRT.Calendar(DetailPage:"eventdetail").
The 'eventdetail Page would use the Helper: @BRT.CalendarDetail(returnPage:"eventcalendar")
Required Parameters
DetailPage: The friendly name of a page.
Example: DetailPage:"eventdetail"
DetailPage: The friendly name of a page.
Example: DetailPage:"eventdetail"
This parameter is required in the @BRT.Calendar Helper to name the page that will render Event details for users clicking links in a BRT calendar. The friendly name of the page is used.
Optional Parameters
Calendars: A comma separated list of the calendars to be included when a calendar is viewed.
Example: Calendars:"234,745"
Calendars: A comma separated list of the calendars to be included when a calendar is viewed.
Example: Calendars:"234,745"
By default, the @BRT.Calendar() Helper will generate a link for each category assigned to Events.
For example, if your system has Event Categories of Youth, Volunteer, and Leadership Team - three links above the calendar will allow users to filter the calendar to display only one category of events.
You would like to show links to filter for Volunteer and Leadership Team events only.
This is accomplished by identifying the Calendar Id values for the Volunteer and Leadership categories and explicitly listing them with the 'Calendars:' parameter.
pageSize: The number of records to be loaded. This value is an integer and the default value is 1000.
Example: pageSize: 2000
For example, if you would like more future events to your calendar: you can increase the number of records.