Jobs (Lister Page)
A Lister is a block of code that loads a list of records from a specific view. This code creates a Jobs Lister containing Date, Primary Image (if present) and Summary (in the absence of Summary, it loads partial content of the Body). The Jobs View doesn't exist so you'll have to create it. The instructions are included in the beginning of the code as comments. If you add this code to a page, it can be your "Job Postings" or "Classifieds" page.
<!--A Lister is a block of code that loads a list of records from a specific view. --> <!--This code creates a Jobs Lister containing Date, Primary Image (if present), --> <!--and Summary (in the absence of Summary, it loads partial content of the Body). --> <!--The Jobs View doesn't exist so you'll have to create it. The instructions are below. --> <!--If you add this code to a page, it can be your "Job Postings" or "Classifieds" page.--> <!--This code block loads Jobs lister page.--> <!--** To use this page you must have an existing "Job Postings" View.**--> <!--To create the View:--> <!--In the dashboard main menu, click Admin > Views. You'll see a list of your existing views. --> <!--If you don't see the "JobPostings" view, don't worry - we can create it easily.--> <!--Click the green "+New" button on the right side and select "I'd like to create a new type of Content". --> <!--Enter the name "Job Postings" (without the quote marks) and click Create.--> <!--Save the view and you're done.--> @BRT.Lister(tableId: "Content", viewId: "JobPostings", fields: new[] {"PrimaryImage","Title","PubDate","Summary","Body","Link"}, template: @<div> @foreach(EngineRecord record in item) { <article class="media"> @if(!record.IsDBNull("PrimaryImage") && record.GetFiles("PrimaryImage").Count > 0) { if(record.GetFiles("PrimaryImage")[0].ContentType.StartsWith("image/")) { if(!record.IsDBNull("Link")) { <a href="@record["Link"]" target="_blank"> <img src="@(record.GetFiles("PrimaryImage")[0].Url)?width=120&height=120&mode=crop" class="mr-3 img-fluid" alt="@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.GetFiles("PrimaryImage")[0].Title) ? record.GetFiles("PrimaryImage")[0].Filename : record.GetFiles("PrimaryImage")[0].Title)"/> </a> } else { <a href="/job/@record.Href"> <img src="@(record.GetFiles("PrimaryImage")[0].Url)?width=120&height=120&mode=crop" class="mr-3 img-fluid" alt="@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.GetFiles("PrimaryImage")[0].Title) ? record.GetFiles("PrimaryImage")[0].Filename : record.GetFiles("PrimaryImage")[0].Title)"/> </a> } } } <div class="media-body"> <h5 class="mt-0 mb-0"> <a href="/job/@record.Href"> @if(!record.IsDBNull("Title")) { @record["Title"] } </a> </h5> <small class="media-metadata text-muted"> @if(!record.IsDBNull("PubDate")) { <span>@record.GetDateTime("PubDate").ToShortDateString()</span> } @if(!record.IsDBNull("PubDate") && (!record.IsDBNull("JobPostingTypes") && record.GetCategory("JobPostingTypes").Count > 0)){ <span> - </span> } </small> @if(!record.IsDBNull("Summary")) { <p>@BRT.Raw(@record.GetString("Summary").Summarize(250))</p> } else { <p>@BRT.Raw(@record.GetString("Body").Summarize(250))</p> } </div> </article> } </div>)