Pointing Your Domain to Brick River

Pointing your domain to Brick River is a two step process...

  1. Go to your DNS manager. A place like GoDaddy, Network Solutions, Namecheap, etc and log in.
  2. Create a CNAME record for www and point it to [your customer abbreviation]-[your site short name].brtsite.com
  3. Forward the root @ record to www.

NOTE: Some places, like GoDaddy, make it easy to forward the root to www. Some places it's not possible. If you absolutely cannot forward the root @ record to www then use a free redirection service like wwwizer.com and set your root @ A record to

Let's say your customer abbreviation is **abc**
and your site short name is **mysite**.
Then you would make a CNAME record that points to **abc-mysite.brtsite.com**

So it's...

Your customer abbreviation + whatever your site short name and then add .brtsite.com to that

and, boom, that's what you make a CNAME to.
Take a look at some examples...

Here's are examples of doing that.

On GoDaddy

On Network Solutions