Fund Balance Page
As of 4/10/2022 there is a page that is part of the church dashboard for receiving fund balance information.
How it works
Under the UMC tab, you will see two views: Fund Balance Records and Fund Balance Submission Data.
All the numbers go to Fund Balance Records.
The submission information (things like signatures) go to Fund Balance Submission Data. If you need to unlock the submission for a church you go to the Fund Balance Submission Data for that church for the particular year and you UNcheck the Submitted field.
We now require churches to add at least one fund record to submit. This solves the problems of churches submitting their reports without actually filling them out.
Steps to deploy fund balance to a conference
- Ensure that there is a user called "Church Dashboard User". Either make sure one is there or make one. If you have to make one...
- Go to users and add new
- Make the first name = Church Dashboard and last name = "User"
- Make it INactive
- Make it an administrator
- Make a view for FundDataSubmit by in views:
- Search on FundDataSubmit and then click on it
- Press "new"
- Give access to "Church dashboard user"
- Make another view now this time for FundBalanceChurchSubmission by...
- Search one FundBalanceChurchSubmission and then click on it
- Press "new"
- Give access to "Church dashboard user"
- Make a data form for submitting a fund balance record
- Title = Fund Balance Record
- View = FundDataSubmit
- Branded Template = don't choose anything. Leave it blank.
- Redirect =
- Scripts = copy in this...
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/><script src=""></script> -
RunAs = Church Dashboard User
- Make another data form for the church to finally, officially submit their fund data to the conference
- Title = Fund Balance Submission
- View = FundBalanceChurchSubmission
- Branded Template = don't choose anything. Leave it blank.
- Redirect =
- Scripts = copy in this...
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/> - RunAs = Church Dashboard User
- Set your website properties by
- Go to Site > My websites > Choose your current conference site
- Scroll down to the Church Dashboard fieldset and fill out three fields:
- Fund Balance Records Form = Fund Balance Record
- Fund Balance Submission Form = Fund Balance Submission
- Fund Balance Page Text: Insert custom text to display above the fund balance report in the church dashboard.
- Make a website page for fund balance by going to the current conference site. You'll likely want to make the page under the "Church Dashboard" /dashboard page
- Make the page have a page title = fund-balance and a friendly URL = fund-balance
- Choose "Church Dashboard" as the layout
- Go to properties and "Hide in sitemap"
- When you want the page HIDDEN, check "Hide from menus" and when you are READY TO MAKE IT LIVE, have "Hide from menus" UNchecked.
Here are the parts
- Fund Balance Data. View = FundBalanceData. This is under the UMC tab and it's where the submission information goes.
- Fund Balance Church Submission. View = FundBalanceChurchSubmission. This is the view that inherits from FundBalanceData and only shows the fields to the church that it needs to see.
- Fund Balance Records. View = FundBalanceRecords. This is the view that contains the actual fund balance numbers.
- FundDataSubmit. View = FundDataSubmit. This is the view that is what the church sees when they input their numbers. It contains the calculations. These are specialized attributes called br-calc and br-show for calculating and showing and hiding fields.
Central files
We have two central files in
- One is the css file for both data forms
- The other is a JS file that does the calculations
The code for this is in the central church dashboard layout.