Creating People Portal Posts and Sharing

Creating People Portal Post Categories

  • To make a People Portal Post, first decide what broad sections you might want to use to categorize your posts. For example, you might want “Conference News,” “Clergy Documents,” and/or “Appointment Announcements.” 
  • In the Admin menu (click the gear in the upper right corner), choose Categories from the drop-down menu and then People Portal Post Sections from the list that appears. Here, you can add the category titles you’ve chosen, and you can also set a sort order if you’ve named several sections. Hit Save

Making a People Portal Post

  • Next, go to the Content menu and choose People Portal Posts
  • Click the green New button to create a new post.
  • The Title is what will show on the People Portal home page.
  • Enter the Written Date to control the sort order on the home page. The most recent posts will be on top.
  • In the Section field, click the drop-down arrow to see the categories you’ve just created, and select the appropriate one.
  • You also have the option to choose whether this post is “important.” If the button is toggled to “yes,” a highlighted green box labeled “important” will appear next to the post title on the Portal screen; the “important” label must be toggled off manually.
  • Specify the dates that this post will be visible, but you also need to toggle to Visible in order for the post to appear on the specified date.
  • For the post itself, you can add a Primary Image (photo), create the text of the announcement, embed a video, and/or link to a URL. Another option is to add a file. For example, the clergy sexual ethics policy or a clergy covenant document.
  • Save your post, but you’re not finished yet!

Sharing Your People Portal Post

  • Right now, no one will see it because we haven’t given anyone permission to see it. Permissions are set based on the categories you assign under People Portal Post Sections.
  • To get to People Portal Post Sections, under the Site menu, choose My Websites. Select the name of your website that the People Portal is connected to. Then, jump down to the People Portal section of fields and look at the Detailed Sharing. This is where you set permissions for who gets to see what.
  • Click on the green box, Add a new People Portal Sharing.
  • In the Description of this Share field, give it a name. For instance, you might name it “Posts for appointed clergy.”
  • Under the question, Who are you sharing it with? toggle the tag for “currently appointed” if you’re creating a share for everyone appointed; otherwise, select the options to configure the group you’re creating. Note that the share options don’t act as cumulative filters; in other words, if you toggle the tag for clergy to "yes," you’ll get all clergy even if you also select deacon in full connection. If you want a share for only deacons, leave the clergy tag at “no” and just use the conference relationship drop-down to choose the type of clergy you want to include.
  • Next, jump down to Post Sections, and select the sections that you want this group to see in their People Portal. 
  • Hit Save, and now anyone in the group you created will be able to see the post you made when they enter the People Portal.