Some things about Stripe for event reg and donations
Stripe is used for both the event reg and donations modules.
Many financial folks have questions about Stripe, so here goes...
Connecting Stripe to Brick River
- In order to connect Brick River and Stripe you have to click Reg / Payment Accounts / Add Stripe.
- Then, either log into an existing Stripe account OR create a new Stripe account.
- It's that simple. :-)
If you need to create a new Stripe account
We've been on Zoom with customers when they set up Stripe and it takes about 10 minutes. Just know this...
- Whoever sets up the Stripe account should be a high-level financial person or someone that is going to be allowed to access it. So they need to have access to the email they use in the setup and the company bank account.
- Make sure you have your org info ready. Your EIN, your bank account login info and/or account and routing numbers.
We have a really great report in Stripe that people like. It's called the Stripe payout report or just use Stripe's payout report.
Getting reports out of Stripe and about payouts
- Many financial folks wonder and worry about the payouts in Stripe. There is a place in Stripe that allows you to control the payout frequency. (daily, weekly, monthly, custom, or manual).
- Play with Stripe yourself but when we have worked with financial folks they found that the "export payments" report had all they need.
- From the event reg and donations module, we send over everything. The person's name, address, email. We send the accounting/GL number, the event id, the donations id, the fund id, etc.
- There is also a "reports" section in Stripe.
Card updates for expiring cards
Stripe has a feature called "Automatic card updates" that will automatically attempt to update saved card details whenever a customer receives a new card.
You can also have Stripe send emails about expiring cards which is under "Billing" / "Subscriptions and info"