Building Reg Templates and Setting Brand Assets
Brand assets and templates allow you to create branded, custom registration form looks and include your branding or logo in confirmation emails for that reg form. Each reg form allows for a template in which you can define fonts, style, color scheme, header and footer content. If your Brick River system does not have any templates built, your registration form will link to a default form which is available in Brick River.
In this tutorial, we will understand the steps for creating new templates and managing existing templates.
On the top, black bar menu, click Reg -> Brand Assets and Templates. The list of existing, already created templates is displayed.
- Click Add New. The template editor page displays. This page acts as a design editing tool within the console to build a header image and customize other details about the form's look and feel.
- Template/asset name: Enter the name of your template so that it will be easily identifiable.
- Logo: Browse and upload a logo and/or specify text and formatting for the header image area.
- Logo Image Top and Bottom Padding: Adjust the padding to determine the placement of your logo.
- Additional Text Below Logo: Enter text to display below the logo. This text becomes the primary header text if no header image is uploaded.
- Text Font Color: Choose your title font color here by entering the hex value. Visit to find a color you like then copy the hex value from the box (i.e. #ca3e02) and paste it into the Text Font Color box on your template form designer. Note: Be sure to include the # before the hex value number.
- Text Font: Choose the desired font family for the text to be displayed within the header area.
- Logo Background
- Logo Background Color: Choose a color for the background of your banner. This color is displayed behind the logo and additional text. Visit to find a color you like then copy the hex value from the box (i.e. #ca3e02) and paste it into the box. Leaving this field blank results in the default color, #eeeeee, displaying. Pro Tip: To make the background color disappear in your template, set the hex value to the same hex value as the template's body background color.
- Logo Background Image: Optionally browse and upload a background image. You can choose the image placement and behavior in the following two drop-down menus.
- Logo Background Image Repeat: If you would like to “tile” your background image behind the logo, identify a pattern direction by selecting horizontal, vertical or both from the drop-down menu.
- Logo Background Position: Use the drop-down menu to determine the placement of your background image only if you are NOT repeating the image.
- Template Background
- Body Background Color: Choose a color you would like for the white space that goes around the outside of the registration form body. Visit to find a color you like then copy the hex value from the box (i.e. #ca3e02) and paste it into the box.
- Body Background Image: Instead of a color, you also can place an image on the outside margins of your email. Browse and upload an image in this field.
- Body Background Repeat: If you would like to repeat your body background image in the margins, identify a pattern direction by selecting horizontal, vertical or both from the drop-down menu.
- Body Background Position: Use the drop-down menu to determine the placement of your body background image only if you are NOT repeating the image.
- Brand Assets (used in confirmation emails sent from registrations using this template)
- Logo: Browse and upload a header image to be used in confirmation emails. The ideal width of this file is 536 px.
- Logo Background Color: Choose a color for the background of your banner in confirmation emails. Visit to find a color you like then copy the hex value from the box (i.e. #ca3e02) and paste it into the box. If you don’t want a background color, leave this field blank
- Save and Refresh: As you build your template, a preview with sample text displays. You can view your design selections as you go by clicking Save and Refresh, which will save your changes and refresh the preview. If you don’t like something, simply edit the design properties and click the Save and Refresh button again.
On the top, black bar menu, click Reg -> Brand Assets and Templates. The list of existing, already created templates displays.Several options for managing your existing templates are available:
- Template: This column displays the titles of created templates. Click the header to sort A-to-Z or Z-to-A.
- Type: This column identifies the template type. Click the header to sort A-to-Z or Z-to-A. The template with the type "default" is automatically selected as the reg form template for newly created reg forms.
- Click View / Edit to make changes to existing templates. Clicking this button opens the template designer screen and allows changes to the options named above in the "Creating a New Template" section.
- Click Delete to delete a template.
- Click Set as default to change the default template.
- Click to Copy it now to duplicate an existing template.