Managing Registrations and Forms
The Brick River platform was developed to serve a customer base which needed an easy way to manage complex registration processes for large regional conferences. Yet, the registration forms manager is a very versatile system. It can be used to easily create registration forms of all types, including event registrations, donation forms, anonymous surveys, grant applications and more.
In this guide, you will understand manage already created forms and registrations in the Brick River system.
- Reg system main page overview
- Managing individual forms
- How to Delete a Form
- Managing registrations
- Using shared reports
See a quick overview of the main reg system screen that appears when you select Reg > Forms from the black menu bar at the top of your screen. On this page, you can see an overview of all the active and open registration forms. You can open any form to review it.
A few different actions are available from this page:
- Click New Form to create a new form.
- In the search field, enter the name of the form to search for it. Note that if you've already filtered by a reg form tag (detailed in the next option), the search option will only search the selected tag's forms.
- If you've set up reg form tags, your list of tags displays under the search bar. A tag only displays if there's a form associated with it. Click on a tag to filter the list of forms by tag.
- Toggle the Show archived forms? switch to view or hide archived forms from the list.
- Toggle the Show closed forms? switch to view or hide closed forms from the list.
- On the top right corner, you can see the overall statistics of the forms such as total registrations, people registered, the total value of all registrations and the total collected amount.
For each form listed in the table, the following top-line details and options are available:
- Status: Shares whether the form currently open or closed.
- Title: Displays the reg form's title and takes you to the form when clicked.
- Registrations: Displays the number of times the form has been completed. Note that for forms accepting group registrations, this number doesn't encompass the total number of registered participants.
- Due: Displays the total amount due for all registrants who have completed the form.
- Paid: Displays the total amount all registrants have paid so far.
- Dates: Displays the open and close date set for the reg form.
- Actions: Each button represents a quick action for the specific form. The available actions are:
- View in site: Opens a new tab with the sharable reg form link.
- Copy: Creates a copy of the reg form. This is the only place this option is available.
- Tag: Add or update the reg form tag for the form.
- Add to Forms Share: Click to add the form to the Forms Share, which is public for Brick River users. Learn more about the Forms Share and its benefits in this documentation article.
- Archive: Add the form to the archive. It's best practice to close a form by indicating a close date before archiving the
To manage the form, its registrations and perform various actions, click on any form from the main screen to open it. Then, you can see the list of people who have registered as well as a variety of form-specific actions and options.
At the bottom of the page, under the Getting People to This Form, you will see options to direct people to this form. You can use the URL to link them directly to the form, or you can use the HTML embed instructions to insert a button to register and/or donate to an email communication. The entire form can be embedded into a webpage.
At the top of the page, there are a few options which are explained below:
- Back to all forms: Click this to go back to the main registration forms screen and the list of all forms.
- Reports: Click on this button to see a summary of items including:
- By Question: Summary, details and donations
- Lodging: Summary or details
- Payments: Type totals, transactions, and all questions and payments
Learn more about reporting capabilities in this support article.
- Design Form: Click on this area to make edits to your form fields, settings, conditions or email notifications.
- Register People: Click on this button to register a new person or group on the form. The form manager can use this button to create new submissions to the form while the form is closed.
- View in Site: Click to see what your form will look like to the user. The form must be open for this to function.
- More > Registration Managers: You can select additional admins to manage the form. Search for a user by email or add them to the system.
- More > Archive Form: Click on this link to include a form in your library of archived forms. The form will now only display in the list of all registration forms when the archive view is enabled.
The options View in Site and Archive Form — as well as make a copy of the form, add to FormShare and update form tag — are available in quick access for each form from the main reg forms screen.
How to Delete a Form
To delete a form, first the form must be archived. Then, from the main reg forms screen, an “X” option will appear next to the other quick access options. Click the “X” and affirm the choice to delete on the pop-up to permanently delete the form.
Sandwiched in between the form-specific actions and options is a list of those who filled out the form. If you have the form set to "Survey/Anonymous" mode, those who have completed the form will appear as "unknown" under the contact column.
When looking at the list of registrants, the columns indicate information and options for each registration. They are:
- Status: A color-coded status for each form submission. Green indicates the registrant has paid in full or does not owe a fee. Orange indicates the registrant has not paid either at all or the full amount. Red indicates the registrant has paid more than was required.
- Contact: The first and last name of a registrant. If your form is set to group mode, the primary contact for the group's registration is listed in the contact column. If you have the form set to "Survey/Anonymous" mode, those who have completed the form will appear as "unknown" under the contact column.
- Participant: The names of the participants tied to each registration. If your form is set to group mode, the additional group members for the group's registration will be listed here. If you have the form set to "Survey/Anonymous" mode, this column will remain blank.
- Date: The date the registration form was initially completed and submitted.
- Total: For reg forms with attached fees, the total amount owed, based on the registrant's selections, displays here.
- Paid: For reg forms with attached fees, the total amount paid by the registrant displays here.
- Owed: For reg forms with attached fees, the total amount due by the registrant displays here.
- Other Screens: Specific to each registration, these buttons generate links to separate screens. They are:
- Confirmation: Creates a sharable link to a registrant's confirmation screen that displays the selections they made in all fields, even if those fields were set to invisible after they completed the form. If the registrant owes a fee and an online payment account is connected to the form, an option to pay the fee displays.
- Invoice: Generates a sharable link to a registrant's payment status and shows a quick summary of amount owed, paid and due. If the registrant owes a fee and an online payment account is connected to the form, an option to pay the fee displays.
- Messages: Displays a list of email messages sent via the Brick River system to the primary contact on a registration form and includes both automatically sent confirmation emails and emails sent to registrants using the email button available in each reg form.
There are several ways to find, sort and filter the list of registrants. Using the search bar, search by any of the contact fields you indicated as identifying information in your initial reg form build. For example, if you indicated email address as an identifier, you will be able to search the list of registrants by email address.
Additionally, you can use the drop-down list, located to the left of the search bar, to filter the list by the following qualities:
- All Registrants: See all registrants who have completed the form, no matter their payment or cancellation status.
- By Questions: Selecting this option reveals the list of fields on your form. Click on one of your multi-choice, yes/no or checkbox questions to see the list of available options. Check the options you'd like to see the registrant list filtered for and see the list dynamically filter in real time.
- That Owe Money: This options filters for registrants who have completed the form but haven't paid the full amount required.
- Fully Paid: Filter the registrant this who have completed the form and have fully paid the amount required.
- Cancelled: See a list of registrants who completed the form but later canceled their registration. If a registrant canceled, paid and is owed a refund, that status will be reflected here, as well.
- Duplicates: See a list of registrants who have registered more than once. Duplicate matching occurs on the first name, last name and email address fields of the registrant and, on a form set up for group registrations, the main group contact.
Looking across the gray bar to the right, you’ll see these buttons:
- Tags/Labels: Clicking this button bumps you to the Registrants view, where you can download name tags and labels specific to a form. Learn how to do this in any view in this support article.
- Email: This allows you to email the registrants associated with the form. Optionally, you can include a link to their confirmation screen and/or their invoice screen.
- Download: You can download a .csv of form responses, or you can view or create shared, browser-based reports of the form data. Learn more about reporting out of reg forms in this support article.
To manage an individual registration, click on any name. Once you click, your designed reg form, completed with this specific registrant's selections, will appear.
At the top of the screen, several options for the specific reg form entry are available:
- Back to Manager: Returns you to the individual form's management screen, described above.
- View Confirmation: Creates a sharable link to a registrant's confirmation screen that displays the selections they made in all fields, even if those fields were set to invisible after they completed the form. If the registrant owes a fee and an online payment account is connected to the form, an option to pay the fee displays.
- View Confirmation (Printable): Generates the same screen as described in the previous option yet in a more printer-friendly format.
- View Payment Summary: Generates a sharable link to a registrant's payment status and shows a quick summary of amount owed, paid and due. If the registrant owes a fee and an online payment account is connected to the form, an option to pay the fee displays.
- Cancel Registration: Click to cancel a registrant's registration. If the registrant has paid, don't forget to issue them a refund.
- Delete Registration: Click this to delete a registrant's registration form entry. Exercise caution in deleting an entry in which a registrant has paid or was refunded.
Below these options, a colored status bar displays top-line information about the registrant's payment status for forms accepting payments. Under the status bar, there's a payment record that allows reg form admins to issue refunds, waive payments and enter adjustments.
To create a Shared Report, select the Download/Share button to the right of the search bar. A drop-down menu displays options that include both Create Shared Report and Your Shared Reports, where you can access past reports created for this reg form.
The Shared Report is especially handy for sharing real-time reports and sharing reports with individuals who aren't Brick River users. Do the following to create a new shared report:
- Select Created Shared Report. A pop-up box displays. You will need to make a few selections:
- Share Name: Indicate what your shared report will be called. Since the report updates in real-time as individuals fill out the reg form, adding a date isn't necessary.
- Display Options: Select if you would like a paged report (preferable for printing) or would like to hide ID columns. Unless you've added IDs to reg form field options in your reg build, you most likely will want to hide IDs for ease of viewing.
- Select Columns: Check the box next to all the reg fields you want displayed on the report. Near the top of the list the "Uncheck all boxes" and "Check all boxes" might be handy in this endeavor.
- Once you've made your selections, click the blue Share button in the lower right side of the pop-up box.
- A new tab pops open and displays your report.
- To share your report, use the link listed under the Share Report Link heading. This link is forward-facing, meaning those utilizing it don't have to be a Brick River user or be logged into Brick River to view the report.
- At the Shared Report Link, users can download the report as a CSV file or print it.
To manage the shared reports created for a specific form, navigate to the Download/Share menu as described at the start of this guide. Select the Your Shared Reports option to view a list of already created reports and their respective links, edit the report's options, and delete a report.