Using Reg Form Tags to Organize Your Forms
Registration tags allow you to group similar events for organization of your reg system and so that you can search for registrants who participate in like events.
For example, if you want everyone to participate in conferences, you can create a conference tag and tag all conference registrations with it. Brick River system keeps track of everyone who has registered. Additionally, you can create tags for different areas of various programmatic areas, specific events that include multiple related forms, form purpose (such as event, survey, application, etc.) and
In this tutorial, we will understand how to add and use registration tags to organize your forms.
- On the top menu, click Reg->Manage Reg Form Tags. The list of currently available tags is displayed.
- Click Add new to add a new tag.
- Enter the Label name, Sort By field and choose a Color from the drop-down list. The Sort By field allows you to set a custom sort that overrides alphabetical sorting.
- Click Save. The new tag is saved in the system.
- Click Edit to edit an existing tag's options and save it.
Brick River system allows you to search for registrants using tags. Follow these steps to give it a try:
- On the top menu, click Reg->All Registrants. The list of registrants is displayed. You can sort and filter this list by many things. Learn more about filtering contact and content lists in this doc. However, the important thing to note here is the option to the left called Registration Form Tag.
- In the Registration Forms Tag field, enter the name tag name or select it from the drop-down list. For example, if you want to email someone that a new conference is coming up, you can search for the conference tag and email the registrants that appear. You can add additional filter fields to par the list down further.
If you're a visual learner or want to see the steps above in action, watch this video: