Video: Reg System Basic Training
Step-by-step instructions for using the reg system and its many features, presented by Steve Brunton. Click here for the full documentation article on the reg system and its capabilities.
5:25-6:20 Accessing the reg system
6:20-10:02 Setting up a new reg form
10:02-19:50 Adding fields to your reg form, including demos of the different types of fields available
18:32-19:35 Demonstration of how to use the calculation form
19:50-22:04 How to set up a group reg form
23:20-25:10 Setting up payment information for a reg form
25:10-25:45 Available options for emailing registrants
25:45-26:27 Setting up early, regular and late registration periods
26:29-28:35 Attendance tracking and ticketing
28:36-31:30 Managing form registrants, including options to filter and search the registrant list and downloading registrant lists
31:30-34:06 Setting conditions in a reg form
34:06-35:14 Setting notifications for a reg form
35:16-36:55 Sync to DB function
38:08-38:42 Managing forms and adding a reg form tag
38:42-39:15 Copying a reg form
39:17-41:15 Adding forms to the Forms Share and using the Forms Share
41:16-45:22 Other options under the Reg menu, including All Registrants, FormVites, payment reporting options, adding a payment account, brand assets and templates, managing reg form tags and Forms Share
44:16-45:05 Setting brand assets and reg form templates
45:06-45:20 Managing reg form tags
48:00-51:30 Creating surveys and using pre-filling with rating options
51:30-52:14 Reg form restrictions once a registrant has completed the form
52:16-53:30 Setting field visibility
When a reg form is set to group mode, who receives the confirmation email?
The main contact for the group, indicated in the fields under "Who is the contact for this group?" on the reg form, receives the confirmation email.
When viewing a specific reg form's list of registrants, can I sort it by something other than date?
No, in the Brick River console, the registrant list is only sorted in date order, showing the most recent registration first. To sort registrants in a different order, such as alphabetical, you'll need to create a shared report or download the list of registrants.
Can the Stripe integration support multiple businesses that are attached to the same, main Stripe account?
Yes! Since the recording of this webinar, we added an option for renaming payment accounts attached to your Brick River system. Before, if you brought in the different businesses that were attached to the same Stripe account, they would all display with the same title in the payment accounts list. Now, as you add the accounts, you can update the name to reflect where the money is being directed.
Does Brick River integrate with Vanco?
No, the Brick River registration system does not integrate with Vanco.
If ticketing is enabled, can I print out a master list of QR codes?
No, the QR codes for ticketing are only available on registrant confirmation pages.