Reporting from FormVites
FormVites is a forms management and invitation add-on to the Registration Module in the Brick River system that allows you to simplify and streamline the process of submitting and sharing a group of forms with one or more individuals. It lets you create reg forms, add them to a FormVite, build your invitation list and send that list an email with a link to the forms. For example, if you want all the people in your company to fill out a set of forms every year, you can use the FormVites option in Brick River. Every person on your list will be emailed a link which will redirect them to the invite page. From this page, they can fill out the list of forms you curated, at their own pace. FormVites makes it very easy for everyone to access the forms.
In this tutorial, we are going to understand how to report from already built FormVites. If you are looking to learn more about setting up a FormVite, check out this document. If you're needing to generally manage and navigate an already created FormVite, view this document.
- Reporting from FormVites
- Reporting on a group or the whole FormVite invitee list
- Reporting on an individual
- Pulling a report from the People view
There are two options for reporting within the FormVites detail page: You can report on a group or the entire FormVite or by the individual user.
Reporting on a Group or the Entire FormVite
- While in the FormVite detail screen, select the green Report button on the right side of the screen, just above the invitee list.
- A new tab opens showing the report. By default, both Show Headers and Show Empty Responses are toggled in the "show" position.
- You can customize and share the report in a few different ways:
Show/Hide Headers: Headers are the section headers you may have created in the reg forms added to your FormVite. If you only want to see the questions and answers only, toggle the headers to the "hide" position.
Show/Hide Empty Responses: An empty response is a reg form that the invitee hasn't submitted yet. Sometimes it's helpful to see this in a report, but sometimes it makes the report more cumbersome. You can optionally hide these uncompleted forms by toggling the empty responses to the "hide" position.
Sharing the Report: By selecting the print button, you can print or download a compact PDF of the report. You can also share the report to anyone, even non-Brick River users, via the link generated at the top of the report.
In these steps, we've reported on the entire FormVite. To report on just a segment of the FormVite, filter using pre-established tags ( which is explained here) or by progress level. Progress level definitions are listed above in the Managing Existing FormVites section.
Reporting by Individual User
- While in the FormVite detail screen, scroll down to the invitee list. Identify which invitee you want to report on.
- Look to the right side of the invitee's row in the table. Select the small view report icon.
- A new tab opens. The same report as described in the "Reporting on a Group or the Entire FormVite" section appears. The same customization and sharing options are available.
There is a relationship between FormVites and Contacts. When in the People view (accessible under Contacts > People), you can add FormVite Invitations and its properties as both a search and result field. Here's how:
Adding the FormVites Search Field
- Navigate to the People view. In the upper left side of the screen, select the button labeled Filter Fields. A pop up that says Add Search Fields appears.
- In the pop up window, there is a search box. Type "FormVite" in that search box. The result FormVite Invitations appears.
- Select the "+" sign next to the words FormVite Invitations to expand its list of properties. A list of related property fields display.
- From that list, select the option that simply says "FormVite". There will be a "+" sign next to it, but you don't need to expand it.
- Now, at the bottom of the filter fields listed on the left side of the screen, a box called "FormVite Invitations Formvite" appears. From that drop-down list, you can filter contacts by the FormVite they were invited to.
Thanks to the functionality of the People view, you can email this list, download it in a variety of formats and more. These options, of course, are also available from the FormVite's management screen. Emailing is more easily done from the FormVites management screen. The advantage of working through the People view is the ability to pull in other information from your contact records, such as address, clergy status, home church.
If you want to create a custom report about a specific FormVite, you'll need to update the result fields. The result fields are the columns of information you can view without entering a specific contact record. Customizing these fields allow you to prepare a custom report. Read on to learn how.
Adding the FormVites-related Result Fields
- Leaving off from the last step detailed in the previous section, you've added the ability to filter your list by a specific FormVite. Now let's adjust the information we can see about these contacts.
- On the upper right side of the screen, select the button labeled Result Fields. A pop up that says Select Fields appears. In it you see two lists: The left list details fields available to view. The right list names the fields you've added.
- Start by removing any fields you don't want in your report. To remove a field, click on its name.
- Now, add the fields you want included in your report. To add FormVite-related fields, type "FormVite" in the search box. The result FormVite Invitations appears.
- Select the "+" sign next to the words FormVite Invitations to expand its list of properties. A list of related property fields display.
- From that list, select the properties you'd like to include in the report. Some popular choice include:
- Last Viewed: When the FormVite was last viewed by the invitee
- Submitted Date: When the invitee submitted the FormVite
- Submitted By: Who submitted the FormVite
- Approved By: Who approved the FormVite
- Approved Date: When the FormVite was approved
- Once you've added your desired fields, click the blue Select bottom on the lower right side of the screen.
Now you have a quick, at-a-glance view, of activity related to your FormVite. Using the People view's functionality, you can download this report under the More Actions menu in the upper right corner.
If you wanted to filter by the additional FormVite properties, repeat the steps for adding a search field and add those items to your filtering options.
Additionally, you may want to filter further by including the same registrant types you've added to your FormVite. Read this article to learn more about registrant types and FormVite filtering.