How to Build a FormVite
FormVites is a forms management and invitation add-on to the Registration Module in the Brick River system that allows you to simplify and streamline the process of submitting and sharing a group of forms with one or more individuals. It lets you create reg forms, add them to a FormVite, build your invitation list and send that list an email with a link to the forms. For example, if you want all the people in your company to fill out a set of forms every year, you can use the FormVites option in Brick River. Every person on your list will be emailed a link which will redirect them to the invite page. From this page, they can fill out the list of forms you curated, at their own pace. FormVites makes it very easy for everyone to access the forms.
In this tutorial, we are going to understand how to use FormVites.
- Creating A New FormVite
- Creating an Invitation List and Emailing the FormVite to It
If you've already set up your FormVite and are looking to learn more about managing invitees and submissions, check out this document.
- On the top menu bar, click Reg->FormVites. Your list of FormVites displays.
- Click Add New. A blank FormVite screen will appear. Enter the details as follows:
- Title: Enter the name of the FormVite.
- Start: Select or enter the date the FormVite should be first available. Each individual reg form added to the FormVite can have a separate start and end date, which is specified in the form's registration period properties. Read the How To Create a Registration Form doc to learn more about setting start and end dates on individual reg forms.
- End: Select the last day the FormVite should be available.
- Description: Enter the information which will be displayed on the FormVite page. Give helpful instructions or other information related to the form.
- Contact Name: Enter the name of the person to contact if the invitee has questions.
- Contact Email: Enter the email address of that contact.
- Files: Upload files that the invitee can download or view.
- Requires Approval: Toggle Yes or No to allow FormVite admins to review and approve the individual's submission once they've completed the FormVite.
- Allow Save With Unfilled Required Fields: Toggling Yes allows invitees to save a form without completing all the required fields. However, the invitee still must complete all the required fields in the required forms before final submission of the FormVite.
- Required Forms: From the drop-down list, select the forms the invitee will be required to complete. All unarchived forms in your reg system will appear here. If you don't have any forms, click Reg->Forms Share and select a form to copy to your reg system. It will be automatically populated in the drop-down list.
- Optional Forms: From the drop-down list, select the forms the invitee can optionally complete.
- Optional Multi-Fill Forms: Select the forms that the invitee can fill out and submit multiple times.
- Template: Select a template for the FormVite page. You can select from any of your existing registration templates or create a new one.
- Archived: Toggle the button to Yes to remove the FormVite from the FormVite listing.
- Applicable Registrant Types: Some FormVites receive several submissions, and it would be helpful to sort those submissions by type. Select those types from the drop-down menu. Read more on setting up registration types for FormVites in this doc.
- Once you have entered everything, click Save.
The next step in the process is to create the list of Contacts that the invitation will be sent to.
- Click Create the invitation list and select the type of contact that you want to use. For this example, we will use People.
- The People screen will display. Filter this list for those you'd like to invite. You can search for a single, specific person or filter for a group. Note when adding the invitees to the FormVite in the next step, you will add all the names displayed on the screen. Keep in mind that you may have to add invitee groups in batches to include everyone you want to add to the FormVite invite list.
- After you have selected the list of contacts, click More Actions->Add To FormVite. You will be given a list of FormVites; select the one you want to invite the contacts to.
- Click Add to this FormVite next to your invitation. You will then be redirected to the FormVite detail page.
- Once you have added all of the invitees, click Email to email them so they know how to get to the FormVites page. Invitees can be mailed as a group or individually. There are a few ways to filter to identify your email list:
- To email the entire list, simply click the green Email button.
- To email a specific invitee, use the search bar to find them and then click the green Email button. Or select the email icon to the far right of the invitee's name.
- To email a group by its registrant type, read this article.
- To email a group by progress level, select the progress level from the list displayed across the top, above the list of invitees. The progress levels are explained below:
- All Invitees: Everyone added to the invite list, regardless of status
- No Response: Added to the invitee list and has not yet clicked on the FormVite link sent via email
- Viewed: Viewed the FormVite page, whether or not they have started any forms
- Not Started: Invitees who haven't submitted any of the forms in the FormVite yet
- Started: At least one of the FormVite forms has been completed and saved
- Not Submitted: The FormVite as a whole has not been submitted. Once the invitee completes all the elements of the FormVite, they must hit Submit for it to be recorded as submitted.
- Submitted: The FormVite has been submitted and is available for review and approval, if that option was configured in the settings.
- Not Approved: Of all the invitees, this displays those who haven't had their FormVite approved, whether or not it has been submitted.
- Approved: If the FormVite requires approval, this is the group of invitees that have had their completed FormVite approved
After selecting the group, you will be directed to the emailer to compose your email. Read this doc to learn more about using the emailer. Emails created through FormVites will always contain a link to the invitees' FormVite page.