Managing Email Lists and Groups via Contact Views
While you can manage unsubscribes, bounces and spam reports from the Brick River Email Center, you can do the same for specific groups of contact through any contact view.
First, navigate to the contact view of your choice. For this example, we're going to use the People view, accessible from the black top bar under the heading Contacts and then by selecting People from the drop-down options. Any of the options on the drop-down have this capability.
Next, you'll need to filter the contacts for those you plan to email. For example, if we were a United Methodist Church organization looking to email all appointed clergy, we might filter our People view for those who have an appointment. Nonetheless, learn more about filtering any view in this article.
Once the list of contacts reflects the filtering you desire, it's time to review the undeliverable emails. To access this list, select Undeliverable Emails from the More Actions drop-down on the upper right side of the screen.
A new screen loads and displays the unsubscribe, bounce and spam report activity specific to the list you filtered for in the view. In our example of all appointed clergy, we'd be viewing the unsubscribe, bounce and spam report activity specifically for all appointed clergy.
From this screen, you can manage the contact group by searching and filtering the results and/or resubscribing, clearing spam requests or unbouncing email addresses.